Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Main Mane

My mane arrived from CosWorx this afternoon! I can't find my camera though, so pictures will have to wait till tomorrow.
For now, have a swatch.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The consumerism begins!

Vendor dump!

This year, the mane is being sourced from CosWorx since they now have pre-wefted extensions. (And excellent customer service! They didn't have the color I wanted listed, so they added it.) Epic mane is epic - four pounds of synthetic on it's way to my door.
This year's staff is coming from a friend, who hasn't sent me the link for the rest of you yet. It will be nothing short of "OMG OSSUM."
Much of the electronic components will be coming from Digi-Key. Highly recommended; I've done business with them for years. They have excellent customer service, and amazing stock, even for small orders.

Parts I'm still looking for include the fur - 4-way stretch short-pile has proven difficult to find, though not as bad as trying to color and texture match last year. I'm also trying to find smaller EL Panels that can be driven by battery pack. (I definitely do not need 60"x300ft!) Sadly, EL Wire looks like it can't handle the bends I need to do with it.

Also, I've changed the template of this blog. Hopefully this will make it easier to read. :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ticket Status

This year? This year was different.
Panic? Oh yes. Lots of panic. Many panic. Anxiety. Terror.

Both tickets are purchased and confirmed.

Arm your slash-moos.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Long time, no write!

Well. I kind of disappeared there after Blizzcon - you can thank work for that I'm afraid. Yes, I'm still alive. I just dove right into one giant rat's nest of problems and it never improved, sadly. As soon as I'd fix one, another would pop up to replace it. We finally went live on our upgrade, but I was already up to my eyeballs in planning our upgrades. Then?
Well. Last Friday, I was laid off. No warning, except the knowledge that the company was not doing so well overall. They decided to restructure IT, and being the newest hire, I was first - but not alone - on the chopping block. I can't say that anyone who's still there has any confidence in this restructuring doing anything but harm, but it's well out of my hands.

What does this mean for Blizzcon this year? Well.
Yes. I'm still the Cow Level. That's not changing. This year is going to be a different cow. This year will also involve far less real leather and fur, as it's hideously expensive and hard to work with. It will make up for this by employing electronics.
No. I'm not going to disclose much of anything yet. But it's now 3 months to Blizzcon (give or take a week or two!) so it's time to get cracking. This year, I plan to actually buy tickets instead of having to beg for them. ;)
I may also be selling some various sewing things to help pay for expenses. Also, if possible, I plan to auction one or two tickets to help pay for expenses. Watch here for updates on all of that.