For future reference, I70 through Utah? Avoid at night. Avoid period. "Damaged road" is a cheery way of saying "Bo and Luke ain't got SHIT on you after this. If you survive." "Frequent Deer and Elk Crossings" is "Dodge The Moving Animals," and you get real familiar with "Ranch Exit." Oh, and no services for over a hundred miles.
We're currently in Center City, UT, a touch past I70-I15. We'll be riding I15 the rest of the way into California, and I forget where it goes from there. Not much progress has been made on the costume.
I need to talk to Clover, and see how many gigs of room are available on I have about 3GB of hi res images from Colorado, which is some of the most beautiful travel in the world.
But for now, sleep.
My Experiences at Blizzard Entertainment
3 years ago
1 comment:
Hi it's Clover from Blizzcon photos. Shoot me an email, I'd love to see your photos.
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